Watch the TED talk and have a conversation with yourself (sure – why not!?) or your sexual partner to come to terms that perhaps women’s sexuality (your sexuality) can be a topic worthy of discussion!
The uncomplicated truth about women’s sexuality By Sarah Barmak, Journalist – 11 min 20 sec
Topics and Questions for Discussion
- Is women’s sexuality more complicated than men’s?
- Do you agree with Sarah Barmak? Why or why not?
- “Female sexuality can’t be fixed with a pill. That’s because it’s not broken: it’s misunderstood.”
- What struck you in this talk that led to the misunderstanding of the woman’s body and women’s sexuality?
- Are there things you don’t understand (or perhaps your partner doesn’t understand) to which you’d like to find answers?
- How is the act of “belittling” sex having impact on women’s health?
- Is it only about physical health?
- Do you agree sex is about our “whole health and wellbeing”? If you don’t, is there more you can explore to understand why Sarah Barmack defines it this way?
- What would you like to change about your personal sexual experience?
- What is the first step (even small) that you can take today to help move your experience to a more positive place?
For footnotes on this TED Talk click here.
For further learning and reading on this topic click here.