Ontario - Provincial Chapter
From the Chair
-Alita Fabiano, Chair
Advocacy Priorities
Menstrual, reproductive and sexual health inequities in healthcare create challenges for women of all ages and stages in life. In order to help individuals navigate and access support in various facets of women’s health, our advocacy work is focused around the following 5 pillars:
- Equitable Access - Ensuring women regardless of race, sexual identity, socioeconomic states or geographical location within Ontario have equitable access to healthcare.
- Redistribution of Funds - Advocating for how the provincial government allocates their healthcare funds to ensure the perspectives of women are considered
- Service Delivery and Efficiency - Establishing that wait times, billing codes, access to specialist care, sharing of patient records and other services are as efficient as possible for both medical practitioners and patients.
- Clinical Research - Ensuring health research conducted is focused equally on women’s health experiences.
- Improved Digital Health - Assuring that digital healthcare addresses any existing inequities within its technology, as well as supporting more femtech health industries.
Advocacy in Ontario
Board Members
- Alita Fabiano, Chair
- Michael Houlahan, Vice-Chair
- Sarah Mackie, Member Experiences
- Danica Facca, Northern Relations
- Kristen Neagle, Fundraising & Events
- Rebecca Dubeau, Youth & Student Engagement
- Natasha Savic, Clinical Resources
- Michael Smolinski, External Relations
- Julia Chew, Director at Large
Upcoming Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Board of Directors - Government Relations - Responsible for providing direction and oversight to all events and communications where it pertains to provincial parliament, maintaining organizational regulatory compliance, monitoring legislative developments, as well as advising the board on political strategies to support organizational goals and interests.
The Women's Health Coalition is committed to providing an exceptional volunteer experience by matching volunteer interests with available opportunities. Please complete the WHC Volunteer Form to support your journey to join the movement for women's health.
Businesses Who Care in Ontario
Coming soon!