Are you ready to kick your health into gear and solve your fibroids and heavy periods? You can become a Flow Fighter too if you follow the girlfriend-to-girlfriend, doctor-approved advice inside this book. Inside this book, you’ll discover: • FDA Warnings about hysterectomy, fibroids and cancer • Why keeping your ovaries could save your life • Hysterectomy and sex advice • 10 treatment options, including 90-second, fibroid-zapping outpatient procedures • Same-day outpatient hysterectomy and myomectomy (uterus-sparing fibroid removal) for fibroids and endometriosis • Tips for finding a fabulous gynecologist • Inspiring stories from other Flow Fighters who kicked their symptoms to the curb too • 100 percent doctor-approved content Written by someone who’s been there! Fibroid survivor and award-winning journalist Holly Bridges, your new BFFF (Best Female Fibroid Friend).