The Vagina Bible
Dr. Jen Gunter
Empowerment of women through accurate information about their own bodies is the “vagenda” of ob-gyn and New York Times columnist Gunter’s comprehensive, pseudoscience-bashing discussion of all things vaginal and vulvar.
Migraines: More Than a Headache
Elizabeth Leroux M.D., FRCPC
Migraine management is essential because of the debilitating effects. Current Pain and Headache Reports estimates that people who have chronic migraines miss an average of five work days in a three-month period. People who get regular migraines were also found to make less income than people who don’t. Combined with excruciating symptoms, this makes regular management essential.
People with migraines may experience:
- sensitivity to light or noise
- dizziness
- eye pain
- nausea or vomiting
- vision blurring
- visual aura, such as seeing “floaters” or bright spots
- irritability
Gender-Based Approach to Health Funding:
One Path Toward Greater Economic Empowerment for Women
As large-scale demographic trends impact the age and composition of the Canadian population and the workforce, increased action must be taken to ensure women can contribute fully and successfully to the Canadian economy.
Gender-Based Approach to Health Funding
A Gynecological Perspective to Women’s Health (PDF) discusses the issues surrounding the current established norm from the Gynecological Perspective.
In this PDF Document:
- Introduction to Gynecology
- Gynecological Emphasis
- Comparison of gynecology to other systems
- Gynecological Problems
- Factors Affecting Women’s Health
- Solutions
- Sexuality and Genitourinary Syndrome
- Summary
- Conclusion