Let’s Talk about Periods

WHC AdminWomen's Health Week

Watch the TED talk and have a conversation with a family member(s), a colleague(s), or a friend(s) to discuss and make decisions about what you can do to help normalize the conversation about …

Recommended Reading

WHC AdminFrom the Experts

The Vagina Bible Dr. Jen Gunter Empowerment of women through accurate information about their own bodies is the “vagenda” of ob-gyn and New York Times columnist Gunter’s comprehensive, pseudoscience-bashing discussion of all things …

Uterine Cancer Risk and Screening

WHC ResearchParticipate in Research

This is a 15-minute uterine cancer risk assessment questionnaire with the option to continue in a multi-phase study. The second phase involves additional screening of participants who are found to be at increased risk; followed by the third phase which offers a personalized nutrition and exercise program to help reduce uterine cancer risk. Participants only need to agree to the first risk survey part and can decide later if they wish to continue.