Sexually Transmitted Infections and Recurring Urinary Tract Infections
Presented by: Dr. Madison Young
Let’s talk about STIs and UTIs! When is a discharge and painful urination something to worry about?
Dr. Young will explore common STIs and current screening and treatment practices. She will discuss recurring UTIs and best practice in terms of management and treatment. Dr. Young will share information and resources that will educate youth about STIs, UTIs, and personal safety.
– Women, their partners and youth who want to learn more about STIs, UTIs, and safe practices.
– Healthcare professionals who want to have better conversations with their patients and current information about trends, treatments, and best practices
– Women’s health stakeholders that want to drive new conversations for better health outcomes.
Dr. Madison Young MD. Dr. Madison Young was born, raised and received her undergraduate degree and MD in Winnipeg MB. She completed her residency in Family Medicine in Calgary and continues to practice in Calgary at Innovations Health Clinics. Dr. Young has an extremely varied practice and enjoys the complexities of providing comprehensive primary care. She provides a modern and up-to-date approach to Family Medicine, using evidence-based medicine in combination with clinical experience, while always maintaining a patient-centered approach. Learn more about Dr. Madison (https://madisonyoungmd.ca/).
Dr. Madison Young