Hysterectomy 101. Clinical information, resources and engagement for patients and practitioners.
June 18, 2022 10:00 AM (Via Zoom)
Dr. Wynne Leung will share insights and information about hysterectomies, the alternatives and considerations when deciding to choose hysterectomy as an option for treating gynecological health issues. Dr. Wynne will provide information for patients and physicians to have a better conversation about gynecological health conditions and how to navigate the system.
Who should attend
• Women considering hysterectomy as an option for treatment of gynecological health conditions.
• Healthcare professionals who want to learn more about hysterectomies, alternatives and navigation considerations.
• Women’s health stakeholders that want to drive new conversations for better health outcomes
Dr. Wynne Leung MScHQ MD FRCSC
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Calgary
Examinations Committee member. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. (2017)
Connect Care Women’s Area Council Co -Chair (2018)
Connect Care Women’s Health Physician Training Lead (2018)
Connect Care Women’s Health Area Calgary Zone Trainer (2020)
Rockyview Representative. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Quality Committee.(2014)
OBGYN Representative Rockyview NSQIP committee (2019)RESEARCH AREAS: Health Quality, Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Pelvic Pain